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Want to find out what a standard influencer rate sheet looks like?

Well, you are up for a surprise.

The fact is that influencer rates vary across social media channels, industries, and even from one influencer to another.

But, there is a method to this madness. There are certain rules that you can follow to calculate standard influencer rates considering only their reach and platform.

Then you can get an even more exact rate by accounting for additional variables like engagement rate, niche and content type. This will help you budget for your next influencer marketing campaign.

In this post, you will learn:

  • The standard influencer rate sheet calculations
  • Other factors that affect influencer rates
  • How to find an influencer within your budget

Ready to get started?

Let’s go.

Standard Influencer Rate Sheet – By Reach and Platform

The standard influencer rates are decided by how many followers an influencer has and their choice of social media platform.

It is usually calculated as the price per thousand followers or subscribers for a single post. According to a WebFX report, the following are the standard influencer rates for the top four social media platforms.

Influencer Rate Sheet

Instagram ($20/1000 Followers)

All prices are updated for 2022 for a single Instagram in-feed post for influencer marketing on Instagram.

  • Nano influencers: $20–$200
  • Micro-influencers: $200–$2,000
  • Macro influencers: $2,000–$20,000
  • Mega influencers: $20,000+

An Instagram influencer can charge higher prices if they are very popular or are in a niche with few influencers. Posts can include images, IGTV, Reels and Stories. Content creators usually charge less for an Instagram Story than they do for a post.

YouTube ($25/1000 Subscribers)

All prices are for a single video mention or integration for influencer marketing on YouTube. If you’re looking for dedicated videos, expect that they could be twice the rates below or more depending on the length and complexity of the dedicated video.

  • Nano-influencers: $25–$250
  • Micro-influencers: $250–$2,500
  • Macro-influencers: $2,500–$25,000
  • Mega-influencers: $25,000+

TikTok ($5/1000 Followers)

All prices are for a single post.

  • Nano influencers: $5–$50
  • Micro-influencers: $50–$500
  • Macro influencers: $500–$5,000
  • Mega influencers: $5,000+
Remember, this influencer rate sheet is just a starting point for calculating ball-park prices and there are several other factors that will impact an influencer’s rates.

Want to learn more about what these other factors are that affect influencer rates?

Find out in the next section.


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Factors That Affect Influencer Rates

There are several factors that can influence an influencer rate sheet, not just the follower count. Though the standard influencer rate sheets don’t reflect these, you should keep these factors in mind to offer the right compensation to influencers.

Ready to learn what these factors are?

Here you go.

Factors That Affect Influencer Rates


The primary factor that determines influencer rates is an influencer’s reach. The more followers an influencer has, the more their rate will be.

There are five types of influencers based on reach:

  • Nano Influencers: <10K followers
  • Micro-Influencers: 10K–100K followers
  • Macro Influencers: 100K-1M followers
  • Mega Influencers: 1M+ followers

Types of Influencers

You might find slight variations of this categorization, but this is the most popular version.


Platform plays a major role in influencing an influencer’s rate sheet. The same influencer will charge a different rate for Instagram than they do for YouTube.

We will discuss these variations in the influencer pricing, by the platform, in detail in the next section.


As a general rule, the more influencers there are in a niche, the more competitive their prices will be. So, if you’re looking for a beauty influencer, for example, you will get plenty of options and enough negotiation power.

However, if you are looking for an influencer in a very specific niche, such as cyber security, then they can charge higher rates, within the limits of reason, of course.


An influencer’s rate also depends on the rate of engagement that they get on their posts. Engagement is calculated based on the number of views, likes, shares, comments, etc.

If an influencer has a wide reach but doesn’t get much engagement, then it’s not worth collaborating with them. Instead, an influencer with a modest reach and high engagement will drive better results because the point of influencer marketing is to grow affinity around your brand. Brand affinity strengthens when social media users are having positive conversations about your brand and are building your online community.


Information Source: Phlanx

While you may get mesmerized by the big numbers that mega and celebrity influencers can provide, you should also remember that working with a smaller influencer is much more affordable and can also be more effective. You can get a higher ROI from a comparatively smaller influencer with a high engagement rate.

Type of Content

We all agree that different types of content can take different amounts of time and effort to create.

Then why should all those content types cost the same amount?

This is why influencer rates depend on the type of content that influencers are expected to create. In general, the more time, effort, and resources that are required, the higher the influencer rate will be for that type of content. This is why partnering with influencers is so great – influencers are the creative, talent, production, and editing teams all wrapped into one affordable price with the convenience of one-stop shopping.

Content Ownership

If you want to repurpose influencer content (UGC) to places like your brand’s social media and website, then you want to negotiate content ownership rights into your agreement with the influencer. That usually costs extra, especially with macro-influencers and larger. You will want to include content licensing details when you formalize your influencer contracts.


If you want the influencer to agree to exclusivity, to not work with any competitors for a period of time before or after the posting for your brand, then influencers typically charge extra depending on the total length of exclusivity.

Influencers will usually include exclusivity for free for periods of anywhere from 24 hours to 30 days depending on the size and popularity of the influencer.

For periods of exclusivity beyond 30 days, expect most influencers to increase their rate to account for other partnerships that they may have to turn down.

How to Find an Influencer Within Your Budget

Finding influencers, reaching out to them, negotiating prices, and finalizing contracts can be a bit overwhelming for even the most experienced marketers.

The easiest way to find influencers and get them to work with you within your budget is to select an influencer marketing agency like Get Hyped to help you.

We have a global network of expert influencers, the industry-leading search tools, and an experienced team of influencer marketers who have mastered the process of finding and partnering with the best influencers for a brand.

We specifically only find influencers whose personal brand aligns with your business values. We negotiate fair rates with influencers so they’re excited about the partnership, and we create agreements that capture all details of the campaign protecting your brand.

If you want to find some influencers on your own, start by reaching out to a few of your favorite influencers via your brand’s social media profiles. Ask the influencers to provide their rates if they respond positively to a partnership with your brand.


1. What is an influencer rate sheet?

An influencer rate sheet is used to determine the pricing for the services offered by an influencer for a business. Influencer rate sheets are also know as media kits, rate cards, or simply influencer rates.

Influencers can use a rate sheet or rate card to offer specific services and packages to brands.

It’s common that smaller influencers like nano and micro influencers don’t have a formal rate sheet. But usually macro-influencers and larger are more experienced with partnerships and have a formal rate sheet available to share with brands.

2. How is the influencer rate calculated?

Influencer rate is primarily calculated based on the reach and engagement of an influencer. However, certain other factors like the choice of platform, type of content, niche, etc. can also play a role in determining the influencer rate.

3. How do you price yourself as an influencer?

As an influencer, your first concern should be the amount of time, effort, and resources that will be required for any particular collaboration. You want to make sure that you get fair compensation for your services.

However, that’s just the minimum rate that you can get. You should also check how much you’re worth based on your reach, engagement, and the market rate of what other similar influencers are charging.

Your influencer rate should be somewhere between the minimum requirement and the best rate that you can get. The goal is to arrive at a rate that is fair for both the influencer and the brand so that both parties are happy and excited about the partnership so that it can continue long term.

Start small and if you get too many partnerships, increase your rates until your number of partnerships comes down to a level that you’re comfortable with.

4. What are the factors that affect influencer rates?

Here are the key factors that can affect influencer rate sheets:

  • Reach – the number of followers an influencer has
  • Platform – the platform or platforms on which the influencer is active
  • Niche – whether the influencer is from a popular or a specialized niche
  • Engagement – how much engagement does the influencer get on their posts
  • Type of content – how much time, effort, and resources will be needed to create that content
  • Content ownership – will the brand be allowed to reuse the content
  • Exclusivity – extra charges for the influencer signing a non-compete agreement
  • Market demand – holiday seasons cause influencer rates to temporarily increase

5. What is the formula for calculating influencer rate?

As a general rule, brands offer up to $25 per thousand followers or subscribers per post, depending on the social media channel. Here is a standard influencer rate sheet calculation to help you out.

Platform Price Per Post
Instagram $20/1000 Followers
YouTube $25/1000 Subscribers
TikTok $5/1000 Followers

However, this is just a generic way of calculating and there are many other factors that affect the influencers rates. Use this as a reference, but do account for the other factors that affect influencer pricing to come at the right price.

Final Thoughts

Running a successful influencer marketing campaign doesn’t have to be costly. You can easily find influencers yourself within your budget and leverage their services to achieve your influencer marketing goals. The key is to understand how to calculate influencer pricing and offer fair compensation for their services.

Use the standard influencer rate sheet above to get a rough idea of how much you should pay an influencer for their services. Then, look at the other factors and calculate any extras specific to the influencer to come to a final price.

One piece of advice, though, is to be flexible with influencer rates when negotiating terms. Don’t stick to one number. Keep some wiggle room when you negotiate with influencers. The goal is to come to an agreed upon rate that both your brand and the influencer are happy with. This will result in the influencer being excited to create high-performing content for your brand, and you’ll be happy with the results.

If you need help finding and negotiating with the right influencers for your brand, get in touch with our team and we’ll help you enter into influencer partnerships at a market price that leads to success!

Dan Coughlin

Dan Coughlin

Dan is a seasoned digital marketing strategist, Cofounder, and Managing Director of Get Hyped. Dan’s expertise lies in developing creative storytelling strategies and compelling content that drives conversions and enhances ROI. Alongside his wife Kristina, an established Instagram foodie influencer, Dan has developed innovative marketing strategies that deliver measurable results for consumer brands. With his dynamic blend of technical knowledge and creative flair, Dan continues to revolutionize the way brands leverage social media and influencers to connect with their audiences and drive growth. When he's not devising marketing strategies, you can find Dan exploring the vibrant food scene with his family or unwinding with a cigar and a good book.